About Me

In 2016, while I was living in Washington State, I picked up fly fishing as a lifelong bass fisherman. Since then, fly fishing has become one of my greatest passions, devoting time and energy to learning more about the sport, conservation, and teaching others. In 2018, I kind of fell into fly tying as a natural progression of my growing passion for fly fishing. I got started on a 30-year-old Griffin vise my father gave me along with a handful of hand me down materials and repurposed dental instruments. From there it was off to the races!

Something that I truly love about fly tying is that there is so much creative liberty in it. I for one am pretty much completely self-taught (with the help of YouTube University), and when people ask me questions about specific things, I often find myself saying, “Use whatever you have/want.” Ultimately there are only so many ways you can tie one pattern, but you can tie one pattern so many ways and find what is most productive for you. I have personally come to appreciate tying flies as a way to spend time when I can’t get on the water, and to help get away from stress and anxiety!

I am currently on staff with Altar Fly Fishing and a pro staff/ambassador for Angler's CoffeeRenomed ScissorsSolarezRegal VisesAhrex HooksHemingway's FlyTyingSemperFly Rods, and Upavon Fly Tying.

My Sponsors/Affiliations


Bugs and Brews - February 5th


If you live in or around Frederick, MD, Bugs and Brews is back! March's meeting will be at Frederick Social again! Bring your vise, tools, and materials to tie whatever you'd like! Reach out if you have any questions!

Address is 50 Citizen's Way, Frederick, MD 21701

The Fly Show - Bellevue, WA - February 17-18

The Fly Show Bellevue is back in Washington for the first time in several years. I'll be slinging Coffee and manning the Angler's Coffee Booth.

Of course you'll find my tying up some bugs when times are slow!

The Fly Show - Lancaster, PA- March 2-3

The Fly Show Lancaster is one of the more low key shows, but it is just as busy as the rest and loaded with some of the biggest names in the industry. I'll be slinging Coffee and manning the Angler's Coffee Booth.

Of course you'll find my tying up some bugs when times are slow!

Bugs and Brews - March 11th


If you live in or around Frederick, MD, Bugs and Brews is back! LOCATION TBD Bring your vise, tools, and materials to tie whatever you'd like! Reach out if you have any questions!